How to hide and turn off all notifications on your iPhone

Although some push alerts are vital, most of them are just annoying. If you are constantly distracted by a flood of notifications from apps you no longer use, there are several ways to stop them. Here’s how to turn off all notifications on your iPhone, clear them from your lock screen, and hide all your old notifications.

How to turn off notifications on your iPhone

To stop receiving notifications from the app on the iPhone, go Settings> Notifications. Then select the app and turn off the slider next to it Allow alerts. You must repeat this process for each program you want to disable.

  1. Open Settings app on your iPhone. This app comes with a flash icon that came with your iPhone. You can find it by swiping down from the middle of your home screen and printing Settings in the search bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Then click Notifications.
  3. Next, select the program you want to disable. You will see a list of all your apps below Notification style.
    How to turn off notifications on your iPhone
  4. Finally, turn it off Allow alerts. This disables all types of notifications from that app. However, you need to repeat the steps for each program you want to disable.
How to turn off notifications on your iPhone

If you do not want to turn off notifications of some apps completely, you can also change their settings from here.

  • Under Warning, you can prevent the appearance of alerts in you Lock screen and Awareness Center, that other people will see your notifications when you turn off your iPhone. You can also view the origin of alerts as Banners at the top of your screen when your iPhone is active.
  • Then you can change Banner styles of Temporary, which means that it will disappear after a short time Stable, which means it stays on top of your screen until you slide it off.
  • Finally, you can turn off notification sounds and red icon icons that appear in the upper right corner of apps on your home screen.

If you don’t want to turn off notifications for each app on your iPhone individually, you can also turn them off by using Do not disturb mode.

How to turn off all notifications on your iPhone

To pause all notifications on the iPhone at once, go to Settings> Do Not Disturb and activate the slider next to it Do not disturb. If you want to turn off all calls and notifications, also make sure to press Always under Silent.

  1. Open Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Then click Do not disturb.
  3. Next, replace the slider on the side of it Do not disturb. You will know it is lit if it is green.

    Note: From here you can click on the Table to activate the “Do not configure” mode when and how long you want.

  4. Finally, click Always under Silent. All alerts and phone calls are turned off when the “Do not join” mode is activated.

Note: If you still want to receive calls while the “Do not join” mode is active, click Allow calls and select All.

How to pause all notifications at once

You can also activate the “Do Not Join” mode in the control center by swiping from the upper right corner of your screen on the iPhone X or newer models. If you have an old iPhone, swipe from the bottom of the screen to the top. Then click the arrow icon to activate the “Do Not Configure” mode.


You can then click and hold the icon icon to bring up the “Don’t Join” menu. From here, you can choose how long you want to keep the “No System” mode active or click Table to change more settings.

If you do not want to activate the “No System” mode, you can hide all the information in your notifications instead. Here it is:

How to hide notification preview

To hide all notification previews on your iPhone, go Settings> Notifications> Preview display and select Never. This will hide the details in your notifications, so you will only see the name and image of the app.

How to hide a notification preview

Although it hides this information in your notifications, it is important that someone can easily reveal this information by clicking and saving the notification. So, this may not be the best option if you try to keep certain alerts confidential.

How to hide notification preview

Once you’ve turned off notifications, you can clear everything that remains in the Notification Center that other people can see from your lock screen. Here it is:

How to clear all your notifications in the Notification Center

To clear all your notifications in the Notification Center on the iPhone, swipe down from the top of your screen. Then press and hold the “X” button in the upper right corner of the screen. Finally, click Clear all notifications.

How to clear all your notifications in the Notification Center

Now that you know how to turn off notifications on your iPhone, check out our step-by-step guide how to block calls on your iPhone.

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